CentOS 5.x + VMware Server

CentOS 5.x makes a great VM server. Here’s a quick recipe to make it happen: First, install CentOS, which is an enterprise class Linux distribution that is basically a rebadged/rebranded RedHat, compiled from sources with a few tweaks. I did the generic server only install. After the install, make sure to do all your updates! […]

CentOS 5.3 Released

Gentlemen, start your engines. Torrent engines I mean. “We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of CentOS-5.3 for the i386 and x86_64 Architectures.” “CentOS-5.3 is based on the upstream release EL 5.3.0, and includes packages from all variants including Server and Client. All upstream repositories have been combined into one, to make it easier […]

Building an rpm to install script files

On an rpm based system, say CentOS, first make sure that the rpm-build package is installed. In your user account, not as root (bad form and all) make the following directories: mkdir -p ~/rpm mkdir -p ~/rpm/BUILD mkdir -p ~/rpm/RPMS mkdir -p ~/rpm/SOURCES mkdir -p ~/rpm/SPECS mkdir -p ~/rpm/SRPMS mkdir -p ~/rpm/tmp And create an […]

The Mothman Lives!

Many of you know that I am strangely fascinated by what sorts of things people name their servers after. I, personally, use cryptids. I have machines named things like Sasquatch, Nessie, Yeti, Chupacabras and the like. Last night I had to do some work. One of the things I needed to take care of was […]

Linux training

I am sure some of you have been wondering why I recently dropped off the face of the earth. Well, my company sent me to RedHat training last week. Now most of you know I have been “doing” Linux for a very long time. Some of you may recall that I used RedHt early on, […]