Burrow.io redeux

I mentioned before that I was dissapointed that burrow.io went down. Well, I totally forgot to mention when the came back up again, like a week ago. I also wanted to mention that when I finally got ahold of them via email, they were super nice and apologetic. Seems they ran afoul of a couple […]

Burrow.io in the hole

A few posts ago I mentioned how I got a sub to burrow.io and was using iut to host my #Gemini capsule. Well, it has been down now for 4 days – of course right after I sent them money :/ Anyhow I have waited long enough – I mean, hey, my gemini capsule was […]

Not BIG but smol

So waaaaaaaay back when the internet was a new thing, snuggled right in between BBSs and WWW you found things like Gopher, which was an early protocol used for browsing information on the early web in a text based format. Ahh, the memories. Along with some usenet you could just get lost for hours and […]