
OK, so it’s October and once again there is an onslaught of spooky movies and ghost hunting shows all over the digital media outlets. Although I have LONG been a fan of such things, I have a few questions to pose to the ghost hunters out there. Leave it to me to go interjecting logic […]

Throw some Rocks at it!

One of the parts of my day job is dealing with and managing our HPC cluster. This is an 8 node Rocks cluster that was installed maybe a week after I started. Now I was a bit green still at that point and failed to get a better grasp on some things at the time, […]

Ghost Hunting and the Scientific Method

I really wanted to write this up during October but just didn’t get around to it. That being said, it’s still quite close to Halloween, so…. I wanted to write briefly about Ghost Hunting. There seems to be quite a craze surrounding it these days with a host of popular TV shows like Ghost Hunters […]