Ressurection of an old friend

I think one of the things that is going to help me post a bit more this month is my ThinkPad T23. This was my most favorite laptop some 4 years ago maybe and the display just stopped working one day. I held onto it for a few months and then landed my new job […]

Pukwudgie roars into life

Last night I finally finished cutting all my server services to their new residence on Pukwudgie (my spectacular CentOS 5.3 based server VM). I turned off my old Thinkpad server, which has been doing the job reliably for over 2 years, rebooted pukwudgie just to make sure everything starts up correctly unattended and that was […]

A real Woot!

Wow, for those of you still looking to get a netbook, has the Acer Aspire One 10.1 inch 6-cell netbook for $259 right now. As with, you never know how long that deal is going to last, so hurry over there. A good while ago, I purchased the Acer Aspire One 9 inch […]

More servers available

A little while back I picked up a couple Appro servers from for an outstanding price and also managed to convince Dann to do the same (after making a public plea on TLLTS to raise the moolah). Shortly thereafter, the deal was a bust and there were no more of those servers available. Well, […]