Pukwudgie roars into life

Last night I finally finished cutting all my server services to their new residence on Pukwudgie (my spectacular CentOS 5.3 based server VM). I turned off my old Thinkpad server, which has been doing the job reliably for over 2 years, rebooted pukwudgie just to make sure everything starts up correctly unattended and that was […]

On Server Migrations

Lately, I have been slowly migrating my server services from my ancient Thinkpad server to a VM on some real server hardware. This has been an arduous process, mostly because this is my own personal server, which means I am #1 strapped for time, #2 deprived of ambition when home and #3 insanely paranoid about […]

Personal IMAP mail server

What is a personal IMAP mail server and why would you want one? Well, such a server is, like it sounds, your very own mail server that you can access via IMAP. You might want such a thing because, like me, you have a lot of different email accounts in different places and you want […]

New Planet TLLTS

As previously mentioned, the Planet TLLTS website at http://tllts.org/planet is now up. Please adjust your rss feeds settings if necessary.

Firefox 3.5 on Mint 7

Just a quick note on how to get Firefox 3.5 running on Linux Mint 7. sudo apt-get install firefox-3.5 sudo rm /usr/bin/firefox sudo ln -s /usr/bin/firefox-3.5 /usr/bin/firefox Pretty easy a?

Coding FLB style.

In between bouts of making Linc’s World Famous Potato Soup, I had a few minutes to do some catch-up coding today on FreeLinuxBox. It desperately needed an rss feed, so that is what I coded up. How else are you supposed to know there is new stuff there right? Well, all finished and added the […]

Php Twitter Identica Laconica

A while back I wrote a little bash script called IdentiBash, which, oddly enough, let me post and read to/from my lacomica account via the bash command line. Well, as of late I decided that that script really didn’t work very well with the xml/rss style feeds. It needed updating. Instead of turning to bash […]

Get your logo gear now!

With the help of RFQuerin, the internet’s own Open Source graphics master, I have updated the logo merchandise stores for The Linux Link Tech Show, Free Linux Box, and Linux Planet. It’s all great stuff so check them out and support a project by flying it’s colors on a T-shirt or maybe even a coffee […]

TLLTS Planet Feed Changing

Here’s your notice. If you subscribe to the TLLTS Planet feed, I will be shortly changing the software from it’s current Planet Planet to WordPress (a la LinuxPlanet) feed aggregator. This will help ease some server migrations here at the house. Sorry for any inconvenience.