E-Cig Review: Bloog

Bloog, the nice e-cig company with the funny name 🙂 Bloog sent out one of their Deluxe Starter Kits ($50) for me to review. This kit came in a nice gift box with a magnetic flap and inside was a manual battery, an automatic battery, a USB charger, a mains adapter, 5 cartomizers, a manual […]

E-Cig Review: 777 eCigs

The Snozberries taste like Snozberries! No really! That’s what is really nice here are the flavors. Now, to be honest, I am not sure if part of this is because I am finally getting some of my taste buds functional again after 25 years of smoking, but either way, this stuff has been delicious! 777 […]

E-Cig Review: ePuffer Pipe

ePuffer was kind enough to send me out one of their ePuffer 605’s ($150), which is an electronic pipe. I used to smoke pipe years ago and really enjoyed it, however I was *really* bad at it 🙂 It’s an art form to be sure. You need to find just the right tobacco, you need […]

E-Cig Review: Sun-Vapers

I have a friend who actually referred me to Sun-Vapers (thanks FoolishTech), so I emailed them and was contacted very quickly by Ed, the owner. He was extremely nice to this newbie and provided me with a pile of information and hand picked what he thought would be some spectacular items for someone with my […]

E-Cig Readers Reward…

If you guys have been reading or listening to me rattle on and on about the e-cig stuff and you actually use them or you are a cigarette smoker, please send me your name, address and DOB to contest at tllts dot org. I have all this review stuff and can’t possibly smoke/use it all […]

E-Cig Review: Kingpin

I mentioned before that I was going to start making a distinction between E-Cigs and Personal Vaporizors, and this is where things really start becoming apparent as nothing here resembles a cigarette whatsoever. The folks over at Kingpin were the first at the mailbox to beam me directly into the fascinating world of personal vaporizers. […]

E-Cig Review: Halo

Things are getting really good here. Halo sent me *almost* the perfect starter kit! I mentioned before about how nice the packaging is from some of these companies, and Halo is the most unique so far. They sent me their G6 Basic Starter Kit which comes in this great little round tin. When opened, it […]