Playing catch-up

I decided that on my vacation I would do some catch-up work. I have many times mentioned that I am a consummate procrastinator, and if you combine that with me being just generally whooped tired after 12 hours away from home on any average day, you understand why my computers seem to go uncared for. […]

VMware ESXi – a sigh of relief!

WHEW! A couple days ago I relayed the story about how my VMware Server 2 infrastructure was suffering some issues. Basically it would randomly just shut down my VMs. I don’t know why. I absolutely poured over the logs for days on end while simultaneously searching google for *any* inkling or hint of an idea […]

Boxee FTW

Long ago, I believe it was, my buddy Joel turned me on to Boxee. Then, it was still in alpha – way alpha in fact. I thought it was a pretty neat idea, but it was rough, for sure, and I could only get it to work on my desktop at the time, and my […]

Saved by Stuart

This is the final chapter in the saga of my broken Thinkpad T23. Many of you know that I have been using my T23 for testing distributions lately, and before that for a headless server. The reason for that is that the machine has this flaky video problem where sometimes it works, sometimes it does […]

What I am *not* thankful for:

A few days ago my storage facility emailed me and asked me to take a quick customer survey. I obliged. Dear Lincoln, Is there anything else that you would like to tell us about your experience with Extra Space Storage? My understanding is that you folks just took over the storage space I have been […]

Happy Thanksgiving

Today in the U.S.A. we are celebrating Thanksgiving Day, which is a day where we try and remember what we are really thankful for. I thought I would share my hot list. I am thankful for my God. Many don’t like it and most don’t understand, but my life changed dramatically when I accepted Jesus […]

New Business Cards

Nothing tool wonderful to post about today, just that I finally got some business cards. I have long carried some around for the LinuxLink TechShow and other things, but never seem to get around to anything general about me or more recently, anything that even has my name and number on it. Well, a few […]


Even though it’s a day late, I thought I would share that my train caught on fire on the way into work on the 4th. Nobody was hurt (that I know of) but plenty of people were ticked off and it sure was stinky! For those that don’t already know, it just so happens that […]

Ressurection of an old friend

I think one of the things that is going to help me post a bit more this month is my ThinkPad T23. This was my most favorite laptop some 4 years ago maybe and the display just stopped working one day. I held onto it for a few months and then landed my new job […]

Prrrrrrrresents in the morning.

One of the things I most hate in this world is when I am woken up for anything right before my alarm goes off. I guess this has to do with the horrible quality of sleep I get, which consequently leads to the minuscule quantity. For some reason, ever since my daughter was born I […]