
Integrity: n. Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code. Why did I need the dictionary entry? Well, because it’s so very rare that most people have no idea what it is anymore. The reason I am bringing this up is that I happened to find a man with some integrity. And believe it […]

About stinkin time.

I decided to take my wife out to the movies this weekend. We went out to see the movie “The Mist”. I have to say, it’s about time. The movie has been billed as “old school horror” and, perhaps, that’s exactly what I have been waiting for for so long. A really good old school […]


Trying to get some much needed downtime this weekend, although I am on call, because I have been a bit under the weather lately. I really wasn’t intending on doing anything this weekend at all, except my wife mentioned to me that she had never had real homemade/handmade bread. I took this as a great […]

Bracket counting in php

Been quite ill this week so far, but in on of my few lucid moments, I remembered that I never actually put this up on my blog. A while back I made a simple bracket counting utility that I use against my php scripts when I get stuck. Basically, all it does is give you […]

Email Backup

Today I received an email asking for my support of a petition for Google to provide a way to backup your email. A way to download an archive of your emails so you can keep them on a cd or wherever. This petition is at: I thought that sounded like a really good idea. […]

A couple people now have inquired about the scripting with sqlite I mentioned on the last TechShow. A good example is a script I am using to track my time and tasks for the day which at work. The boss wants to be able to show that we are working on different things and what […]

Linc Caves

OK, so I caved. I am just tired of fighting to find the few odd bits and pieces I need to feel comfortable using my workstation under PCLinuxOS.. Does that mean that I think that distro is bad, not really, just that I find it easier using Ubuntu. So I started by installing debian today. […]