A Practical Guide To Ubuntu Linux

Usually, when I read through a book of this size, I find that it’s full of “fluff”. What really struck me on this book is there is just page after page after chapter after chapter of genuinely useful information. I have seen other readers reviews about how comprehensive this book is but you really don’t […]

We’re Famous

I signed up for these google alert things so that I can keep track of postings about the TechShow when people make them. This, however, is the first time I have seen anyone talk about us in a video. Pretty cool 🙂

R.I.P. Stinky

This is a very sad post. Very early this morning my wife woke me up saying there was something wrong with my ferret Stinky. It appeared that his back end was paralyzed. We immediately made an appointment for first thing this morning at his vet. The vet knew what was wrong immediately with Stinky. His […]