E-Cig Reviews


I actually had this come up today in an email so I thought I’d better just make things perfectly clear. The reviews I am doing on the E-Cigs, Personal Vaporizers, E-Juice and what have you, are going to be, for the most part, on items that the companies have sent me to review for free. Just like the vast majority of other reviews I do, a company sends me a product and I review it and post the results here (and or other places). I am not on anyone’s payroll, I do not automatically give good endorsements to people who send me free stuff, I just use it and tell it like I see it. Those of you who know me will vouch for me calling a spade a spade 🙂 Much unlike other places that do reviews, I do not have the funding to actually purchase everything I want to review, so I rely on companies sending me their wares solely based on the need of my opinion, something I have plenty of 🙂
What I find *really* interesting here: If a company sends me a product to review, it’s because they are already pretty sure they have a hit. I usually agree. Usually. On the other hand, if they prefer not to, I get sort of suspicious… Things that make you go Hmmmmm…

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