E-cig Review: Bobas and Seduce Juice



Ahh, another juice review! As always, remember that juice tasting is, of course, a subjective thing and your mileage may vary…. But I’ll tell you what I think anyway 🙂

A friend of mine gave me a sample of the infamous Boba’s Bounty e-juice a couple weeks ago. This is the “real deal” Boba’s from Alien Visions E-juice. 100%VG only at 6mg nic. It’s a juice that is all the rage on the forums and sometimes is quite hard to obtain, so I had never tried it. Well, that and my last experience with one of those massively popular juices didn’t turn out so well (Pluid – icky). Anyhow, when I first smelled this I got a tobacco/rasiny smell. I like raisins, so I was excited to try it! What it actually tastes like to me is a mild tobacco with honey-graham crackers and prunes, YES, prunes. This may turn you off but IT IS DELICIOUS! Really! The problem then is, of course, the availability and the fact that is it ONLY VG. You see, I am not a dedicated dripper when I vape, in fact, I am hardly an occasional dripper, and 100% VG is difficult to tank. I have had **some** success with repetitive dinking with the amount of my protank head’s flavor wicks with this juice, but is has been limited and slightly frustrating. Knowing what *I* think it tastes like, I set out to find something similar that was slightly more tankable.

Seduce Juice

Seduce Juice

The first thing I ran into was a juice called Jango by Seduce Juice. Now for those of you who are Star Wars impaired, Jango, was Boba’s father (kind of). Boba is a clone of Jango that jango raised as his son. Anyhow, therefor, I figured that their e-juice, Jango, would be a clone(ish) of Bobas. Turns out that it is not, but it is kind of close and tasty at that 🙂 I picked up some 50/50 PG/VG Jango at 6mg nic for a try and to me it tastes like a mild tobacco base with a buttery graham cracker. It’s missing that whole raisin/plumb taste which I really enjoy in the Bobas, but it is certainly tankable and quite good in its own right. Different than Bobas but in the same family, so to speak.

Seduce Juice also sent me a sample of their Jezebel juice. Same ratio and nic level as the other juice. This is nice! Very nice! This is a fragrant juice which, to me, is melon(y). In fact, the only melon I could really pick out independently of others was a little watermelon, and that was only when I vaped it the very first time, and even then, it may have been only a faint scent. If I try hard, I can imagine tasting any melon you can think of in this, but it’s all blended together *really* well. This is very refreshing for me as I am recently used to a more heavy flavored vape. I guess you could say this was my lemon sorbet in between dinner courses. 🙂

I don’t think you could go wrong with any of these. Give them a try, and, until the next one, vape on!

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