Anyone wanna buy a book?
As of late, I have come to think that I should perhaps throw my hat into the book author pile. Specifically, I have noticed that there seems to be a lacking of a concise book about good/logical Linux server administration. Now I am not talking about just setting up a home server, but rather correctly setting up and managing a number of servers, whether for your personal use, or professionally.
I have read a great number of books and documents on server administration, just none specifically designed with large Linux installations in mind. Maybe its time has come? Maybe this old Linux crumudgin, as Dave Yates put it once, has something left to contribute to the greater good.
One of my big questions is, do you think anyone would buy it? If there is really a want/need for something like this, do I pursue any particular publisher or do a lulu kinda thing?
The other big question is what is Dann going to say when I tell him he has to co-author? 🙂
Things that make ya go Hrmmmmm…
I don’t know much about publishers. I would by it. I don’t think I have heard of a book that covers that. Everything is either specific to a certain program or very general about everything.