No More Heroes

I mentioned before that I like horror novels. I like to read them on the train back and fourth to work. Well, I don’t have any to read so my ife and I went to Borders Express in the mall to see if I could find something to read. I looked around quite a lot and the only thing I found was a disturbing trend…

It seems that there are just no more heroes. The vast majority (if not all) of the (fiction) books I saw were written about heroines. Also EVERY book cover now looks as if it is the cover of a romance novel. Even the covers of books I have previously read look to have been redesigned in this romance novel style cover.

It was almost surreal walking around in there once I had come to that realization. I believe that these stores (or this one at least) is being designed and marketed for women. Perhaps they don’t believe that there are enough male customers anymore or something of the sort? Oh well, I guess it’s back to Barnes and Noble bookstores to see what I can find there….

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