So you want to be a Linux admin…

This is somewhat of a reprisal of some thoughts I shared on a recent episode of the LinuxLink TechShow. I have been asked many times about being a Linux admin. After a few years of walking the walk and being in on a lot of interviews, I have compiled a few mental notes and thought […]

Server Build

Last night on the TechShow I was asked about providing some info on a decent default server build. Here are some quick notes to get people going. Adjust as necessary. Just for ease, here, lets assume you are installing CentOS 5, a nice robust enterprise class Linux for your server needs. CentOS 5 / RHEL […]

ESXi and Subsonic

In continuation, somewhat, of my last post and a brief review on the last TechShow, I wanted to jot down some notes about my newest encounter with ESXi and Subsonic. I wanted to try out Subsonic, so I really needed to put together a new machine to play with it a bit. As a RL […]

Amazon Kindle, Subsonic and MusicBrainz

   Early last week I had another burst of reading activity on my Kindle 3. Reading for me tends to come in spurts when the rest of my life doesn’t interfere and it had been a while. I loaded up the Kindle with some new goodies (Sh*t my dad says is hilarious, btw) and started peeling […]